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Friday, December 30, 2011

Your Chance to Earn

Hi all,

The following few paragraphs will possibly be the most important and enlightening post that you will read over the next few days.

First off, let me say that I have tried this before and can prove that it works 100%.

Have any of you ever seen those ads that say you could win and ipad 2 or iphone for free? What they don't tell you upfront is that there are many offers that you will be required to do before you can receive that "Free" product.

These same companies offer trials of their products for set periods of time, some free and some paid. There are many sites who have partnerships with these companies (Affiliates), and offer individuals like you and I to earn a small income while trying out products that we may at one point or another try out anyway. One of the drawbacks of these sites is that they require a debit or credit card to signup for these trial offers and many people either do not have own or do not want to risk using their own cards with these offers.

What if you were able to do the same with little or no risk to yourself? What if you were paid to do these trial offers over a one month period? What if you could try this out for yourself and see the fruits for yourself? What if you had to pay absolutely nothing for all of this?

The company that I am employed with is offering you the opportunity to make $100.00 over a 1 month period for simply trying out different products from these companies. You won't be required to pay a cent, we will pay everything for you, including any return shipping that may be incurred. We even provide you with a Debit card to complete these offers so you won't have to worry about using your own card. All you have to do, is complete these 20 offers within 30 days online, and you must be from the USA. Those are the only requirements, and the entire process takes less than 1 hour each day. And throughout the entire process, you will have someone to guide you and provide advice whenever needed.

Remember, there is no risk to you, what do you really have to loose? If you're interested in taking advantage of this opportunity and would like more information, drop me an email at, leave a message on Facebook (Debian Jones), signup from this webpage Clicking on This Link Here or sms me at 442-777-3770.

Cheers all, and happy new year.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Make money for free? We'll see...

Welcome all. I was going along the internet minding my own business a few months ago, when suddenly, I landed on this page. It introduced something to me called Incentivized Freebie Websites(IFW's) and Freebie Trading. When I read everything initially, I thought that it was all a scam like many of those that I saw before, and I am sure that many of you have seen at least one of those before. I continued reading though and I have to say that despite what I thought initially, it was actually something that is real and possible. I was especially sure of this when two days after signing up, I received my first paypal payment of $50.00. It felt great to find a program that actually worked.

The basic premise behind all of this is that there are certain sites, (Link at end of post), that have partnership with certain companies; they are affiliate marketers for them, and their only objective is to generate leads for these companies. After researching for 7 straight hours, like I said previously, I was convinced and signed up.

Since then, I have made in excess of $500.00 from these sites and the amount will only increase. This came at just the right time as I was in need of some money and had no cash available. It is relatively simple to do, but also requires a bit of commitment. One would only need to spend on average 30 minutes to 1 hour every day doing this and can earn some income.

Like many other programs, this one is referral based. For referring someone to do the same thing that you did, you get paid anywhere from $20.00, which is the minimum, to about $500.00. To get paid for signing up and completing these offers, you must have been referred by someone using their unique referral link and have some compensation agreement. This is because they will only be paid for their own referrals.

One of the best things is that you can then use the site to earn a recurring income by driving your own referrals.

As with most opportunities, this one also comes with an element of risk, and it was because of this risk that I signed up and decided to go for it. Most if not all of these offers require you to provide either a debit or credit card for billing purposes, even the free offers. As these are trial offers, should you exceed the trial period, the companies want some way of charging you for this. As far as I have seen, this is the main risk involved.

Below are the links to two of these sites. Check em out if you wish and if you feel you want to, signup and complete one offer and let me know so that you can be paid.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Great gaming website

Hi all, if you love gaming, especially sports, then you really should check out this site. It has tons of games and also if you are the type who loves to take risks, there is the option of placing bets.

The best part is that all of this is absolutely free. Yep, ya heard me, absolutely free. So go check it out right now!


Have you ever thought of finding just the right recipe for a low calorie diet? Or you just wanted something that you could try that is healthy. If yes, check out the website below which provides low cal recipes for you cooking pleasure!

COMPLIMENTARY Low Cal Recipes! Click here

Romance books for women

Here is another choice selection for all of the women out there. This site provides all of the romance ebooks that you could ever want to read, from the best of them to the least of them. Check it out.

Not sure if you like it? Signup for their newsletter and get some additional info on a regular basis. Check it out below.

Get 2 Free Harlequin Presents eBooks

New Paid Survey Community

Hi all,

Recently was browsing the web and found this survey community. Thought I'd share it with everyone. Haven't checked it out myself, but they claim that surveys are paid from $5.00 to $70.00. Quite high compared to others I've seen. Simply click on the banner below to signup.


Free paid surveys.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

sign up!

Award-Winning Business Class Phone Service

Auto Loan

Have you been thinking of getting a new car for the holidays? Has a lack of funds kept you from getting it done?

Well look no further cause this company provides funding for such activities. Regardless of the amount required, they will provide the funding.

Check it out and request a free quote by clicking the link below.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Holidays are Here!

Well, the holidays are here and I couldn't be happier. For one, exams are over, school is out and I'm out for the Holidays. The greatest part about the holidays as that you get some time to spend with family. Currently sitting in a chair with my nephew and he is driving me nuts while I'm trying to type this!

But I wouldn't have it any other way!

Home for the holidays. I really wish that all families could share this kind of cheer, but unfortunately, that's not the case. While some are able to, others are not. It seems unfair, but that's how the world is sometimes. We can only hope that things will be better in the future.

All the best to everyone for the holidays! And remember the reason for the season ok?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Free Traffic Optmization for your website or blog

Ok, this post is for all of those who currently own a blog or other website and need traffic driven to it. If you find yourself falling into this category, then traffic clash is the place for you to sign up.

The program is still in it's introductory stages and as such, signup is absolutely free. that right, FREE.

Check it out using the link below and leave your feedback on whether or not you liked the experience.

TrafficClash Signup for Free!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Debt Consolidation Site

Like I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I would from time to time be publishing various finance related posts. I recently came across this website and was a bit impressed by what they had to offer. This Debt Consolidation company has one of the better programs that I have seen.

From the time that you log on to their website, you will be given the option to receive a quick preview of what can be done with whatever debt you have.

The form is shown below as well as a banner link if you do not wish to enter it directly. Give it a shot, after all, it's totally free!

Javascript is disabled, Please enable it.

No-Obligation, Free Debt Counseling

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hello World!

Welcome one and all to dgramblinite's blog. Thanks for stopping over here and checking out our blog. We promise that you will not be disappointed.

Since we're only just starting off, we will give you a small glimpse of things to come. In future, you can expect a variety of articles, from how to survive college life, the state of affairs at Grambling State University and to how to make legitimate money online.

Yes, you heard it here first folks. Keep your eyes open and your ears peeled for the next post.
